Monday, February 26, 2024

Could this be SMOD?


It isnear-Earth object, and potentially hazardous. If Biden - God forbid! - gets reelected, I hope he gets a chance to sniff this, preferably during his inauguration speech.


  1. If Biden is re-elected, NASA ought to give Ryugu a push towards Earth. The Universe doesn't deserve that sort of incompetence and corruption.

  2. Could this be SMOD?

    Nah, if it were, the Globull Warmening crowd would already be blaming the coming end of the world on...Globull Warmening.

    BTW, if that guy is afraid of the "pitch black background" in the picture, he probably shouldn't venture into any unlit caves here on earth.

  3. I miss all those Star Trek planets with the papier-mâché rocks and green-skinned girls.

    The real 'strange new worlds' are dark and uninviting. And very dusty!

  4. Bruce: You're right about that. This amazing video of the surface of a comet is only a second or two in duration, but the sense of complete desolation is inescapable.
