Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I think the UK needs to call a suicide hotline

Islam is finally reaching its centuries-old goal of conquering Europe: "In Britain, Another Step Toward the Abyss".
Of course, anti-Muslim hate crimes are an exceedingly minor distraction – barely a ripple on a pond – compared to the daily tsunami of Muslim offenses against infidels. But that doesn’t keep those pusillanimous progressives who make up the British establishment from embracing the comforting lie that the real threat to freedom, equality, and social harmony isn’t Muslim misbehavior but anti-Muslim bigotry. Does this sound like a country whose political establishment is, to any serious degree, prepared to stiffen its backbone in the face of Islamic intimidation? On the contrary, it’s a country whose movers and shakers, after registering with a degree of shock its latest disturbing step toward the abyss, are gutlessly retreating into the usual self-destructive self-delusions.


  1. I've seen reports that demographics is destiny and of Imams saying that that Islam will win because Muslims are having more babies; it seems like the odds are in their favor; immigration in Europe is definitely accelerating the trend; they have preferential treatment by most of the liberal governments, once they have control of the government and change the law to enforce their theocratic aims it's done; Great Britain has nominal freedom of religion, but hasn't always; if the Monarchy, which took over the church with Henry, were to fall or convert to Islam it gets dicey, the Islamic Empire of Great Britain with King William?

    Here they have greater birth rates and an open border, so maybe here too, there's that pesky First Amendment freedom of religion, but eventually, that can be voted out and Sharia inserted, but that will take a while, unless it's just ignored by the Supremes.

    I sure am depressed by it all, but I may not live long enough to see the full implementation of the Islamic States of America.

  2. Yes, sort of, but those who try to tie all this to Enoch Powell or Raspail's 'Camp of the Saints' are wrong. Raspail's book was obviously inspired by Paul Ehrlich's Population Bomb, and the 'saints' in the title were Hindu fakirs similar to Gandhi. Starving Hindus marching on Europe? People believed that sort of thing 50 yrs ago. And if you accept Raspail you have to deal with Ehrlich, can't have one without the other.

    And Enoch Powell was a decent, very learned man. But his Rivers of Blood speech was arguing against racial discrimination laws, just TWO WEEKS after MLK was assassinated. In the speech Powell gives examples of 'blacks' moving into poorer English areas and causing upheaval. In other words, to put it crudely, Powell was supporting a kind of Jim Crow thing in England, just 2 weeks after MLK was assassinated. The USA back then would have disapproved, just as US pressure eventually led to the end of apartheid in S Africa.

    It gets complicated when you delve into details.

  3. PS, we might ask: What were blacks doing in 1960s England? Like Australians, they were former British subjects of the Empire. We all had British passports and the same rights.

    Unlike the US which I think had very restrictive border controls which were relaxed mid-1960s.

    This is the exact opposite of the UK, whose laws were gradually tightened after WW2, but too little too late. From Empire we went to 'Commonwealth' which they're still trying to maintain.

    Australians were dismayed when the UK joined what became the EU 50 years ago, because it meant that Commonwealth citizens no longer got preference to stay in the UK and had to follow EU laws. Spending a gap year in London had been a rite of passage before that.

    Sooo, it comes down to a problem with Islam, as Tom says.
