Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Mitch McConnell steps down in order to catch up on counting his Chinese loot

"Mitch McConnell Stepping Down From Senate Leadership".

Apparently, if he's to be believed, he's going to serve out his term, so maybe the Democrat governor of Kentucky won't get to pick his successor. I assume, given the stupidity of the GOP, he will be succeeded as Republican senate leader by some other time-serving, mossback who's more interested in reaching across the aisle than defending the base.

Not entirely unrelated  Ronna McDaniel Hired As DNC Chair Due To Extensive Experience Defeating Republicans

Update  It is way past time for this out-of-touch RINO to step down: "It Looks Like McConnell's Frustration With House Republicans Boiled Over".

I think Ukraine is way down the list of concerns among Republican voters, certainly by comparison with our border issues. McConnell's obstinacy on this matter is exhibit A for the necessity of his departure as GOP senate leader.  


  1. Ace claims he was going to get booted.
    He further opines, it's a pause so he can run again when the furor dies down.
    I expect he's correct, that scumbag likes crushing GOP voters under his loafers.

  2. Well, I hope those GOP voters turn out to be a bunch of particularly sharp thumb tacks.

  3. Could indeed be more slippery maneuvering. That's McConnell all over. I'm insisting on no more McConnell leadership, ever, under any circumstances (my insistence, and a dollar twenty five, will buy you a short stack of pie pans at The Dollar Tree).

  4. So who's up? Thune, Ernst, Cornyn? Republicans like to promote their number twos rather than make a bold choice. We could use a no-holds-barred type, like LBJ who became majority leader in his first term (after proving he knew how to steal elections).

  5. We could use a no-holds-barred type...

    I think it's essential. The RINOs aren't even half-way decent ratchet stops to the Democrats' plan to destroy America.

  6. With the Uniparty coming out of the closet, one to wonder why the GOP caucus hasn't experienced a schism of some sort. There are a few remaining members who actually care about America.

  7. Yes, Ukraine is an important issue and one that demands our attention.

    But it is not the most important issue facing the US right now. I would not put it in the top five. Number one is the border. Two is the economy. And you can argue back and forth over that ranking, and further argue that they are both strongly linked.

    As for three and four, I'd put the military and education there... discuss amongst yourselves over their relative ranking. Five? the catastrophic decline of our cities (and to a lesser degree our blue states)? Taiwan? The impending collapse of our corrupt national media? The last one is long overdue and well deserved, and it is a shame that there is at present no obvious repair. How about the collapse of trust in science? That one can be laid squarely at the door of our corrupt and lying sciencey sciencers who have abandoned all pretense at objectivity and even the scientific method.

    Anyway, we can shoehorn Ukraine somewhere in around the last three I mentioned. Although I would want an answer from the administration why they will spend billions to defend Ukraine's territory and borders whole working so hard to compromise our own.
