Wednesday, February 14, 2024

I'm not taking the government's word for anything

If there really is a threat, then declassify the information.

Update  House speaker Mike Johnson is holding the line on NOT approving the senate's horrible foreign aid bill.

Funny how these "threats" come at a time when the Uniparty is trying to put something over on the base.

And, btw, Thom Tillis, the establishment tool who "serves" as one of my state's senators, had this to say recently: "Tillis: 'Our base cannot possibly know what's at stake at the level that any well-briefed U.S. senator should know about what's at stake if Putin wins'" (via Ace of Spades). This is one of the baldest admissions of the GOPe's contempt for the base that I have seen yet. 


  1. Oppose The Established Narrative on any point at all, however mildly, and you are a "Russian Asset" and "Tool of Putin."

    I'd like to say that the ones screaming this are the same ones who shouted "McCarthyism!" whenever anybody on the right questioned the motives of anybody on the left, but far too many putative right wingers are doing it too.

    Look, I agree that Ukraine is important. But I wouldn't put it in the top five issues facing the US today. And I want to know why our government is frantic about bearing any cost to protect Ukraine's borders and sovereignty when they can't be bothered about our own. Actually, I know why, I just want to see them backed into a corner with that question.

  2. Ah yes, the We're Better and Smarter Than You party.

    If Johnson knows about some 10/7 attack on America and is keeping silent, he needs to say something because Biden's Brain Trust would rather we die than admit their open border policy is dangerous.

  3. As Larry Correia noted on X:

    "So we've got a vague innuendo about some super dangerous world destabilizing threat to national security...

    "My money is on arbmuneps.

  4. I've seen a few places that it's Russia! Russia! Russia!.

  5. Russian nukes in space!

    We're all going to die!

    meanwhile, back at the ranch, looks like another distraction from what the better and smarter people have been up to.

    People have been talking about nukes in space since nukes and rockets were invented. A batch of stationary chaff disbursed in the path of the satellites is all it would take to shred them.

  6. Oddly enough, a meeting on the re-authorization of FISA was suddenly delayed.


  7. It's almost like Turner issued the threat warning before he knew what the actual threat was. My reaction to that "warning" was, "Oh, for the love of God, what now?"

  8. I'm not sure, but I think Turner may be a uniparty Republican. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
