Friday, February 16, 2024

It's a mystery to me how this happened

"Doomed CNN Forced to ‘Dramatically’ Slash Anchor Salaries".

Yeah, baffling, baffling. I mean, it's almost as if they were all shills for the Democratic Party and demonstrated no objectivity and integrity at all.


  1. Did they slash them to zero?

    If not, then it wasn't enough.

  2. Make'em return one month's salary for every lie they've told about Trump and his supporters.

    And Globull Warmening.

    And the covid.

    And Biden.

  3. They can always supplement their income with a second job.

    Such as ... ... they can learn to code.

  4. Too bad, so sad, I know I have a bucket of tears around here somewhere.

  5. Maybe Paco Enterprises might consider acquiring CNN in a highly leveraged buyout and do a turnaround of this troubled company.

  6. tom: Hmmm....m'yes. I think we could fold it into Paco World News Daily (PWND). Let's see...we could put together a mezzanine financing deal with periodic payments in carbon credits denominated in Guatemalan Quetzales. Yes, should be simple enough.

    I hope Jake Tapper isn't afraid of heights; the windows of Paco Tower are due for a good cleaning.

  7. tom, that's a darn good idea, pretty soon it'll be on sale for about fitty cents.
    Paco, I have a face for radio, but I'll still volunteer.
    The Masked Anchor!
    Or maybe do a Mr Potato Head thing, there is precedent.
