Friday, February 16, 2024

Smirking, black-robed commie hits Trump with massive fine

"Judge Arthur Engoron Fines Trump $354M, Bars Him from Running Businesses in NY for 3 Years".

In spite of all his faults, I like Trump because of the enemies he has made. I pray that he survives long enough to have the last laugh.


  1. The only injured parties are people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. He's going to appeal...another case for the Supreme Court?

  2. The Supremes need to clear their docket just for all the Trump stuff.
    I do worry about what happens when their unlawfair fails.
    Our fine betters absolutely cannot allow him to win.

  3. "This verdict sends a powerful verdict that nobody is above the law! The time has come to stop Trump from being Trump!"

  4. As a lawyer, I have watched the justice system erode over the past few decades, partly through idiot laws, more through idiot judges, and the scariest of all, a jury made up of ordinary, ignorant people with the reasoning capacity of a 5-year-old. Those same people elect judges and legislators. And they tend to support the broken education system that churns out a steady stream of more useless idiots to perpetuate the downward spiral.

    I increasingly warned my clients that litigation is not likely to end in justice.

    I see no answer short of a true catastrophe, which might wake some people up. On the other hand, maybe we should encourage the dems to allow more dead people to vote since they were by and large better educated and more reasonable.

  5. Yeah, I'm not by any means the smartest person in the world, or even in the room, but I worry about being tried by my supposed "peers".

    I've mentioned this before, but I served on a jury when I lived in Miami. It was a criminal trial (a guy was charged with selling cocaine). The defendant, incidentally, looked just like Charles Manson - which obviously wasn't relevant to the consideration of his innocence or guilt; I merely mention it in passing.

    Anyhow, one liberal jury member refused to convict simply because he declined to ever believe a cop's testimony. An elderly woman claimed that the Holy Spirit had come to her in the night and told her the guy was innocent. Result: hung jury.

  6. Yeah, the legal system is hosed.

    I was once called as a prospective juror for a vehicular homicide case. The defendant had washed his car, and decided to dry it by driving at 90(+) MPH down a local highway. He caused an accident that killed the other driver.

    My questioning by the defense attorney (D.A.) went something like this:

    D.A.: "Are you employed?"

    Me: "Yes"

    D.A.: "Who is your employer?"

    Me: "Corps of Engineers" (a major employer in my former residence)

    D.A.: "Are you an engineer?"

    Me: "Yes"

    D.A.: "This trial concerns a vehicle accident, where friction plays a large part. Do you understand friction?"

    Me: "Yes, I do." [insert eye roll here]

    D.A.: "Dismissed for cause!"

    Judge: "You are excused."

    The cretin was acquitted of all charges.
