Sunday, February 25, 2024

Update on Catherine Herridge

"Catherine Herridge, Fired for Investigating Hunter, Is Getting Her Files Back".

I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding, and that CBS routinely seizes the files of reporters it fires. Oh, wait...

CBS said they did nothing improper. However, they fired 20 people in her division and 200 overall, but only seized her files.

Keep rebuilding our trust in your integrity and independence, mainstream media! 


  1. Unless she had files encrypted, any sensitive files have been open, read, and copied.

    Yet another reason to label this "virtue signaling".

  2. Jeff, and given to Biden's Brain Trust so they can prosecute any confidential sources.
    Like the guy who blew the whistle on Biden's Ukraine corruption and is now in jail, with no bail, for a misdemeanor.
    Like the J6 folks.

  3. "Trust, like the soul, never returns once it is gone". - Publilius Syrus

  4. What JeffS said. CBS got what they wanted so they can give Herridge her files back.
