Sunday, February 25, 2024

Whither Haley?

"Haley Refuses To End Campaign Following Trump Victory In South Carolina".

“I know 40 percent is not 50 percent, but I also know 40 percent is not some tiny group,” Haley said, pledging to stay in the race following the humiliating 20-point upset in the state she served two terms as governor.
Ummm, m'yes, but how many of that 40% were actually Democrats who crossed over?

I suspect she's staying in just to enrich herself with all that donor cash.


  1. There has to be some other reason than just money.
    I figure she's in it to try harm Trump, but there might be another reason.
    If for some reason Trump can't run, as the only other one still vying, our fine betters will ram her down our throat so she'll be playing the part of Good Loser McCain and Romney played so well.

  2. Likely you're right about that.

  3. I think she believes Trump's going to end up in prison and she thinks she'll be next in line. I've got news for her.

  4. I've seen speculation about the No Labels party using her to siphon votes from Trump in the general.
    Of course, since her votes in the primary were mostly from folks voting Biden, that's kinda stupid.
    Unless... she's the cover for the massive cheating they'll need, that's a possibility.

  5. I think I'm going to register the domain name, "No Lapels", set up a site filled with moderate political bromides and see if I can't get people to accidentally donate to my "organization" instead of to No Labels.

  6. I'd refuse to donate!
    Make Lapels Wide Again!
