Monday, March 4, 2024


 A hat historian. Here, he talks about the Panama hat.


  1. Why do I suspect Mr. Paco sir has a Panama hat or two? If not, then has a hankering to have one.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 4, 2024 at 11:59 AM

    Ever watch The History Guy on YouTube? While note specializing in them, he does have an extensive hat collection and has done some episodes featuring hats.

  3. My favorite was always the Abbott and Costello bit about the Susquehanna Hat Company!

  4. Yeah, I watch a lot of the history guy's stuff. He does, indeed, have an impressive array of military hats and helmets.

  5. Rebecca - I have three: two are the traditional cream color, and one is a light gray. Full disclosure: these are not the high end hats costing over a thousand dollars (which, when wet, supposedly can be pulled through a finger ring).

  6. They are nice looking hats, though. Why don't men wear those hats anymore? Ball caps are boring.

  7. Panama hats, huh? Hmmmmm....

  8. Rebecca: Practically the only thing I miss about work is not having occasion to dress up. I wore Panamas all the time during the warm weather. I still break one out now and again in retirement to wear when I walk around the block or over to the mailbox kiosk. I used to always get compliments on my fedoras and Panamas, so I don't know why more men don't wear them.
