Monday, March 4, 2024

Looks like spring

The daffodils are blooming, and Larry, the official lizard of Paco Enterprises, has crawled out from under the siding (where he and his buddies winter) and has resumed his favorite activity: basking in the sun while stretched out on one of the leaves of a pineapple plant.


  1. ...basking in the sun while stretched out on one of the leaves of a pineapple plant.

    I like the way Larry thinks.

  2. He's got it all figured out.

  3. Helloooo, Larry! My Texas cousin used to have one living in his sago palm on his patio. When we went to Maui many years ago, we found one lurking in our bathroom. Management was dismayed, but we wanted them to leave him alone because we thought he was fascinating.

  4. I love these little guys. We usually have three of four running around on or near the front porch, and a few by the garage. Skinks seem to favor the band of pine straw that extends in a dog leg around the north and east perimeter of the property.
