Friday, March 1, 2024

Good campaign ad


H/T: The Feral Irishman 


  1. If he was from my district, he'd get my vote.

    I wonder what the Dimocrats who see this will get the most upset by...Dimocrats as KKK, he's a black conservative, he's a black conservative with an AR-15, he didn't ask for their pronouns before shooting them?

  2. They will probably experience all those things in equal measures, leading to sudden apoplexy.

  3. I hope he gets the job.

    I think every black Republican should make the same ad!

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 1, 2024 at 3:43 PM

    Oops... you aren't supposed to mention that. A big part of the education establishment is dedicated to keeping people from knowing who was on which sides of the Civil War, who founded and backed the Klan, who wrote and enforced Jim Crow, who did lynchings, and who was on the end of the Pettus Bridge with the fire hoses and dogs.

    Just as nobody is supposed to know that "Nazi" is short for "National Socialist."
