Tuesday, April 16, 2024

This didn't work for Obama...

...and obviously it isn't working for Biden: "Biden Retaliates Against Iran By Attaching Note To Pallet Of Cash That Says 'Please Do Not Use For Terrorism'".

Of course, maybe this gambit wasn't really designed to work.


Stephen A Skubinna said...

I actually saw that clown Kirby on the news yesterday saying that the money Iran gets from us can only be used for humanitarian purposes because... uh... well, it's kinda complicated, you probably wouldn't understand.

But anyway rest assured that it is physically impossible for Iran to use that money for terrorism. Because reasons.

Paco said...

Maybe there's some kind of explosive red dye that is activated when a terrorist exchange occurs.

rinardman said...

It can't be that Kirby is too stupid to understand what he says we're too stupid to understand.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Rinardman, I don't see Kirby as stupid at all. Which is why he's essentially the co-Press Secretary alongside that paste eating window licking drooling moron Kareeny Jeeny-Peeny. Unlike her he can think on his feet and speak extemporaneously.

However, his job requires him to say straight faced the most idiotic things without gagging. When that retarded muppet Jean-Pierre flaps her pig ignorant facehole she's not capable of recognizing it as BS. Kirby does... so he has to explain to us that the shit sandwich the administration is giving us is, in fact made with artisan whole grain bread and has handmade ethically sourced garlic aioli and sustainable greens.

Mmmmm. Anyway, I hope his self respect erodes further every day he's in that job... for which I probably give him way too much credit. He worked in the Pentagon before retiring, so he's surely already sold his soul.

Veeshir said...

Didn't work?
Doesn't that depend on what they're trying to accomplish?
Obama always sided with whoever hated America the most.
Biden's Brain Trust are the very same folks.
So I'd say they're accomplishing their goals.
Or rather, would be if only the Joooooos would just die already.