Saturday, May 18, 2024

Sunday funnies

 Click to enlarge for maximum enjoyment.

You really can't judge a book by its cover.

Why, yes, I believe those people are dicks (H/T: The mind is an unexplored country).

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 18, 2024 at 11:37 PM

    Oh man... if I had a nickel for every time I was found in unlawful possession of a wild raccoon with no headlamp on my bicycle...

  2. No headlight and unlicensed raccoon, I guess the meth was okay though.

  3. I nearly fell off my chair at the guy with the magnet. That little "eep" sound at the end!

  4. Now, that's the trainer you want to see at the gym!

    Must be a retired DI.

  5. Because they waste too much asphalt making speed bumps. Duh!

  6. V: No headlight and unlicensed raccoon, I guess the meth was okay though.

    I'm guessing he hid the meth inside the raccoon (which probably made removing the animal a very unique law enforcement experience).
