Friday, May 10, 2024

TDS - Apparently, there is no cure

Rich Lowry, editor of NR (a once-great magazine that is now less relevant than a Safeway coupon flyer), offers some tepid criticism of Biden: "Never Trumper discovers Biden sucks".

Lowry’s column is a derivative of the Democrat narrative that everything is going swimmingly, it is just that the public perception is bad because the media is so biased against Poor Old Joe.
They really think you will believe that.

Lowry, I think, still desperately wants to believe that events, somehow, will bear out the righteousness of that god-awful NR edition that condemned Trump root and branch before he was ever nominated for president. 

It ain't just Democrats who have worms in the brain.


Stephen A Skubinna said...

I have noted for the past half century that whenever a Dem program crashes and burns, it's always a failure of messaging. They just didn't get the word out to the right people. Even today they are earnestly telling us how great the economy is, and if you point to your energy bill or grocery receipts or the last time you gassed up your car, well, you're just too stupid to understand.

Plus, you're falling prey to Republican misinformation. Republicans pounce, and then... they misinformate!

Veeshir said...

The problem with Never Trumpers, and lefties in general, is they can't admit they've been wrong about so much for so long.
Especially to themselves.
They're too proud of how much smarter they are.