Friday, May 10, 2024

This just leaves me practically speechless

"Hillary Clinton 'Writes' A Broadway Musical About, Get This, How Women Have Been Oppressed by Men".


Veeshir said...

Okay, that's just ridiculous on so many levels.
Hillary wrote a Broadway musical, everything else is just the icing on the hamburger after that.
I will say I can buy into the premise of the musical.
After all, she hangs out with Democrats, they oppress everyone.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Uh huh. Who really wrote it?

And it's pretty rich, this bloated recipient of privilege lecturing us about how hard she's had it, making her way in a male dominated world. Other than marrying Bill Clinton, this monument to self regard has never done anything of note on her own.

Well, unless she'd like to share some credit for Libya... and Syria?

Paco said...

The green hysterics screech about cow flatulence; the real problem is that we're suffocating in b.s.

rinardman said...

Hilliary should have called it 'The Woman in the Blue Dress', to honor her favorite male oppressor, Bill Clinton.

tom said...

It sounds like the story line for The Producers; over subscribe the worst play ever written, close it down after opening night flops, take the money and run.

bruce said...

I see the weird old custom of men kneeling to beg a woman to marry them has now become obligatory. I can't imagine my parents, grandparents, or anyone going back in our history ever doing this, and I suspect it's just a Hollywood invention.

There was a blog of Evangelicals called Dalrock who discussed this peculiar western custom of putting women on a pedestal, and they concluded it went back to chivalry in the middle ages, and that it came from paganism. Kneeling in the engagement ritual certainly comes from knightly chivalry.

But Roman pagans never elevated women like this, nor does any other culture on earth outside Christendom. So it's a puzzle, why western culture alone decided to adopt these strange customs. Anywhere else just sends women back to the kitchen, pronto!

It's said that the British Empire's collapse began when foreigners saw British men groveling before British women - this used to be well known. Indeed, Gandhi and co noticed that western power, militarily unconquered, yet abased itself before 'weak' suffragettes. And this gave a clue that 'non-violent' power works against the west where violence had failed. So that's how you got Gandhi followed by Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela (sort of!). It started with the suffragettes.

Deborah said...

She could've titled it Haiti. The characters and scenario are basically the same. Oppressor, oppressee .... And as Tom points out, it works in "The Producers".

Veeshir said...

The Producers as a how-to guide.
Hilarious. I wonder if they sold 500% of the take.
Also, it's just a way to give Hillary money and get a tax break on a loss.

Gregoryno6 said...

And when the show closes due to huge numbers of empty seats, Hillary will know she got it right.
(H/t to Michael Carlton, speaking about Our ABC.)

bruce said...

Hmmm, I think the title is just Ace messing with us, guys. I read and responded to the article and comments which is why I sound off, above. Shaina Taub wrote it and it seems to be a sincere attempt to put the spotlight on suffragettes, which I support. Which would make Hillary's interest in it kind of appropriate, and a rare moment of sincerity for her.

Tom's take was funny, comparing it to The Producers. We both posted at the same time so I only read his after posting mine. So take your pick.

"Oh, you read the article? You're not supposed to read the full article". A bit like commenting on Ace itself.

RebeccaH said...

Hillary didn't write it, but she'll sure take the credit. If she had written it, it would probably be the first Broadway musical ever to put its audience to sleep.

JeffS said...

Bruce, it's more that Billary! just won't go away. Her 15 minutes ran out a decade plus ago, and she's still finding ways to get a spotlight on her.

The headline alone tells me that.

There are times when it would be a blessing if narcissism was a terminal illness.

bruce said...

Yes I can't stand Billary either and want to see her retired, but for her to acknowledge the suffragettes who came before seems kind of a decent thing to do (unusual for her).

Mind you I watched that video Poso put up 'We women demand...' and that part at least wants you to believe those 19th century ladies were just like women now, which is the usual narcissism. Anyway I'm more interested in history than Hillary.

One thing forgotten now is that women wanted to vote, so as to ban their husbands from liquor right from the start! Because they imagined that would solve all their problems. It gave the suffrage movement a practical focus.

And guess who also was against liquor? Yes the Methodists, who were also the first major denomination to promote women leaders.

Everyone should study the 19th century women's movement more.

tom said...

the latest reports are that it's a flop...the producers script done right this time.

Veeshir said...

I'm sure it was unintentionally funny but maybe the audience were too scared to laugh.
When Springtime for Hitler was performed, Hitler was dead.

JeffS said...

The show is bombing. Or has bombed. Take your pick.

From the comments:

I’d have gone to see the Clinton themed Broadway musical production of all the folks they had Arkancided call ‘Snuffs’. If nothing else than to hear a live version of the Webb Hubbell show tune.

“Yes, it’s listed as death due to my liver failllllling. But my life ended due to facts not withstanding! Does… she look like me? Is Chelsea dear my daughter? Did a drunken night with Hilly make me falter?”

Or dear God my absolute favorite show tune… “Ode to Vince Foster”.

“It was just after Independence Day…
I lied to save Bill Clinton all the way…
But with Newt Gingrich on my tail…
It spooked the Clintons to assail.

Soooo sad….

"The tin foil versions of my death.
In Marcy Park with nothing left.
At first I was warned and chided.
But ended up being Arkancided!”