Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The heck with drug-testing Joe Biden...

...let's start with an EEG: "Biden's Speech to Morehouse College".


Veeshir said...

It came back negative.

Paco said...

Probably got a "No Input" reading.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

I want to see a list of the "Morehouse men" Biden has in his White House.

RebeccaH said...

Basically Dirty Old Joe told the graduates that all their college hard work counts for nothing as long as they're black.

tom said...

I saw somewhere that there are no Morehouse Men in the Whitehouse; yet another tall tale to appeal to the audience; you know he's lying when he says "you think I'm kidding"

Now, Obama probably had a few Morehouse Men around him.

Gregoryno6 said...

Joe rants about blacks being second class, but who was it that made that patronising comment about his former boss?
'Articulate and bright and clean'.
As if those were rare qualities among negroes.