Tuesday, May 21, 2024

There are still enormous herds of leftist a$$holes out there...

...so I imagine it won't be that hard to find somebody to fill his wing-tipped jackboots: "WEF Founder Klaus Schwab Steps Down from Executive Chairman Role".

I bet he's not stepping down in order to spend more time on his bug ranch.


  1. The Chermans just can't help it. They are our English genetic cousins yet the cultural difference is so great they seem like another alien race if you spend time with them.

    Through my wife I've had some strong associations with Chermans and Chermany. She grew up there really, arriving as a teenager, although she was born on a subsistence farm on a Caribbean island. The old Chermans told her things they would never say before Americans.

    They think that being obsessed with 'good' things cancels out former obsessions with bad things like Nazism. So now they become gay environmentalists, but with the same fervour their parents gave to the 1930s Nazis! 'Ve must be tolerant! Or ve vill punish you!'

  2. Upside: They make good rifles and pistols.

    Downside: They've tended to use them way more frequently that they should have.

  3. I had not seen that. Not surprised though.

    The good reasons for suppressing the material should be obvious - that children suffer by creating it.

    But Germans have spent centuries arguing philosophical castles in the air, which sometimes blinds them to the obvious. And 'teh Gay' is strong in them.

  4. Schwabby's had his peak moment and it's not coming back.

    Not his version of it, anyway.

    How great must be his disappointment, that in 2024 people still own things and are happy. And are not eating the bugs. And are not obediently lining up for the 78th booster for the 692nd variant.

    He's going what our local covid despots did. He's running before the mob arrives at his door.

  5. I agree with Gregory. That horrible old man is laying out his means of escape.

    As for the Germans, they've always had a streak of the kink in them.

  6. He's running before the mob arrives at his door.

    I hope the mob runs faster than he does.
