Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunday funnies


Hotel decorators.

From Powerline's The Week in Pictures.


  1. 'Who wants to buy 15 lions'

    Alternatively, set them free at a rally for a quick lesson about survival of the fittest.

  2. Regarding the manhole covers ....

    I'm not sure who ought to be sued ... ... the city for not finishing the paving, or the car company for building such a low riding vehicle.

    Decisions, decisions!

  3. I've never really believed the "chickens descended from T-Rex" idea, but maybe a recent YT short I saw of a rooster taking out a large rat in one precision strike makes me wonder.

    And I think the rat knew it was in trouble!

  4. Chickens definitely are descended from dinosaurs. They are absolutely murder on bugs, and they will even attack a snake if it's small enough. We had a small flock for a while when I was a child, and I hated them. Chickens are mean birds, but not as mean as ducks.
