Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Good as, Joe



  1. So did he resign the Presidency? Otherwise, what 'power' did he give up?

  2. Plausible deniability. Since the assassination failed, and there's no way they could manufacture 85 million votes for the zombie and make it seem believable, they had to get rid of him and find someone else, anyone else. Even if its Cackles the Clown.

    "The voters could see that she's a smart, strong Woman of Color, ready to be the leader of the free world! Why wouldn't she get 85 million votes?"

  3. No, he's staying on until the end of his term, but he's not seeking reelection. A big issue, here, because the general feeling is, if he's not well enough to run for reelection, he's probably not well enough to continue serving until the end of his term. Plus, his very noticeable deterioration raises questions about who is actually running the executive branch of government. So, technically, he hasn't relinquished any power except running for a second term.

  4. That's not the only baggage Cackles wants to bury.

    'A 2019 GovTrack score that ranked Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most liberal senator” was recently deleted.'

  5. Dirty Old Joe may be staying on in office until the actual election, but I bet we won't see him in public anymore. From now on, it's going to be Kamala Kamala Kamala unless a miracle happens and the Dems see the huge mistake they're making. What are the odds of that, do you suppose?

  6. Yes but this new narrative that he 'walked away from power'. What power? Running as a candidate is not power.

    When Axelrod and co spout this shite, someone should challenge like that. Ram it back down their throats, 'What power did he walk away from? And how is running the country?'

    Also, someone who cares about the country doesn't give melodramatic self-serving speeches about how they care. They show by at least making things clear and unambiguous. As usual, Biden and his speechwriter did the opposite. Clear as mud, just made things worse.

    If he's President, does he take daily security updates? If not who does?

  7. Above shld be Who is running the country. But 'how' works too.

  8. This:

    Parroted by Streisand and Shriver, and probably The View. "He 'walked away from power'" Oh? Where? When? How? What power?
