Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Better company, anyway


Biden can't be bothered because he is absorbed in his private fog of bitterness, and Kamala is unavailable to meet Netanyahu because of...checks notes..."a long-standing commitment to attend a sorority conference in Indiana".

Elsewhere, Michael Steele demonstrates, once again, that what passes for Republicans in Maryland are complete tools of the squish wing of the uniparty. 

Hard to believe that this idiot was ever chairman of the RNC. No...actually, it's not hard to believe.


  1. Remember when lefties threw Oreos at Steele and we on the racist reich-wingers defended him?
    Good times. Good times.
    The problem with the war in Israel is that they don't return bribes to our fine betters, they just try to defeat the barbarians.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 24, 2024 at 3:24 PM

    One explanation for many RINOs is simply Stockholm Syndrome. At least that's more charitable than the other explanation, which is that they are amoral whores selling themselves for access.

    Of course they would claim that the real explanation is that they're too moral for the rest of us. Which is ludicrous on its face and can be laughed out of the argument.

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 24, 2024 at 4:47 PM

    Incidentally, the pro-Hamas protesters tore down the US flags over Union Station in DC and hoisted Palestinian ones.

    Then they burned the US flags.

    No big deal, they didn't deface any Pride symbols so it's all good.

  4. Kamala looks so stronk and womxnly as Captain America, is that a leather tampon storage pouch on her utility belt?

  5. Stephen: I agree that a lot of RINO pusillanimity is Stockholm Syndrome.

    tom: Haw! Could well be.

  6. Kamala has frizzy hair from her father:

    That will win her support from black women and black men, from sympathy, 'sistahood' and all that baloney.

    Like Meghan Markel whose skin is very light coloured. But women who know - like my wife - noticed her unstraightened hair roots, and pronounced her 'black'. This stuff outside the generally obvious, does matter to some/many people. It shouldn't, but it does.

  7. I don't know about black men. As a prosecutor in California, she kept hundreds of black inmates in jail beyond their release dates, possibly to wring more free labor from them.

  8. I knew I'd seen that before.
    Lefties just aren't creative anymore, recall Obama as Capt America.
    His suit probably had a leather tampon holder as well.

  9. Oh yeah, that's true Paco.

  10. I don't think Kamala is as popular with African-Americans as the Dems would like to believe. It's true she gave up her mother's Hinduism to join a bigoted black "Christian" church, but she's also married to a Jew (crosses fingers here), and her skin color is what we rednecks used to call "light, bright, and damn near white". Also, "high yellow". Skin color matters a lot in the African-American hierarchy, and even they will tell you so.
