Thursday, July 11, 2024

Obama's Golem out of control and coming apart

"Members of Biden’s Own Campaign Say, ‘He Needs to Drop Out’".

Interesting that the donks, and their media mouthpieces, didn't have a solid Plan B in place as soon as Biden took office. His infirmities were obvious to all, and must have been even more clearly on display among those who spent any significant time with him. What did they think was going to happen? My guess is that they had always intended to flog him across the finish line for a second term, and then replace him (perhaps playing their 25th Amendment card), but he stumbled out of the starting gate and is limping badly, so he might not get to the finish.

Without doubt, this is the weirdest election year in my lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 11, 2024 at 4:40 PM

    These are people who expect to hold power forever. And when they lose it, they dial up the shrieking outrage that Our Precious Democracy™ is under dire threat.

    They aren't that smart. But they are ruthless, and they hold to one principle and only one principle: power, by any means necessary. And they will never give up that one principle. That is their major advantage - the rest of us view politics with distaste, something unpleasant we want as little to do with as possible. For these people, politics is oxygen. They have no existence outside it.
