Thursday, July 11, 2024

So...'s that Big Boy press conference going? Wasn't that thing set for tonight?

"Your president is done!"

Update  Money quote“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if I didn’t think she was not qualified to be president.”


  1. Oh, trying to send him back to the kitchen, eh?

  2. Yeah, he's way past his 'best by' date.

  3. I'm still waiting to see if the donks make road-kill sausage out of him.

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 11, 2024 at 9:49 PM

    At this point I don't see why they even bother. We all know he's a basket case, they're not going to convince anybody otherwise by shoving this shambling wreck in front of a camera, and the party hardliners have already said they'd vote for Biden regardless of what condition he's in.

    Because they know, as do we, that he isn't even running things. The cabal behind him that's been in charge for the past three and a half years will continue to be in charge for the next half year... or four and a half years. Or eight and a half years or twelve and a half years, however many more terms they can scam their way into.

  5. Like I said after his other Thursday disaster performance,Kamala needs to call a 25th amendment meeting of the Cabinet, declare him unfit and send the statements to the Congress tomorrow.

  6. 'Whoa, are you talking about replacing the President RIGHT NOW?' I imagine that would be the reaction among the Dems.

    It's funny that no one is talking about this. Only about who will be the candidate.

    Yet if this was any normal leadership, Biden would certainly have been replaced already.

  7. I figured he wasn't going to wear diapers. He's a big boy now!

  8. Is anybody else watching this horror show through their fingers?

  9. If he's not fit to be in a debate or a press conference today he's not fit to have the nuclear button today and should be removed from office today.

    I'm not a fan of Kamala, and the generals are probably following the treasonous logic that they told us about near the end of Trump's last term, but it would lock her in as the temps candidate.
