Friday, July 26, 2024

Suppressing terrorist acts should be an Olympic event

But I'm not sure France would take a medal: "‘Sabotage’ Hits France’s High Speed Rail Network Hours Before Olympics".


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 26, 2024 at 11:14 AM

    I've seen people already muttering "Russians?"

    And while it would not surprise me if Russian money and influence was present in the background, you've already had the enviro-Nazis and the Hama-Nazis threatening violence at the games. And they've already been active for weeks there anyway. If there are Russians involved, they're only encouraging evil people to do what they already wanted to do all along.

  2. Honestly, I can't decide if it's sabotage by the envirowhackos or if it's just dress rehearsals for when WWIII kicks off.

  3. "Suppressing terrorist acts should be an Olympic event"

    If it were, my money would be on the Israeli team.

  4. "Suppressing terrorist acts should be an Olympic event"

    I'd pay money to participate.

  5. Paris has always been a cesspit. In the 1930s they used to go there to ogle at Josephine Baker cavorting nude.

    I have friends who spent half their life going to Paris. Mostly women and hen-pecked husbands. Eve dragging Adam down to hell.

    I once admired Henry Miller's books - how did he write like that? Recently revisiting the books, you can tell he's on drugs. Amphetamines were thought to enhance creativity, right up to the early 1960s when people realised how dangerous they are. Paris? Bah humbug.

  6. Paris, Texas, on the other hand, seems like a nice place. They've even got a 65-ft tall Eiffel tower with a red cowboy hat on top of it.

  7. Haha! Yes.

    I just remembered - I went to a funeral of a fellow I grew up with. His female partner had a ready made family, so he left no children of his own. Artistes. At the funeral they played 'I have no regrets' (Je ne regrette rien) by Piaf. They talked about how he would baby-sit his step-grandchildren while their mother went on dates. He was a 'very nurturing male' she said.

    Vampires! They wouldn't have any regrets would they? Swore - no more funerals for me!

  8. I saw the movie Piaf with these Francophile friends in the 1970s. About Edith Piaf the singer, whose career in France went thru the Vichy years without missing a beat. 'I have no regrets'.

    If my old buddy had known then that the women he adopted would be dancing on his grave singing 'I have no regrets', I don't think he would have been so enthused by the whole thing.

  9. There's definitely a sort of je ne say what? about Paris, Texas, as opposed to the clear rascality of the citoyens of the old country.

    Nurturing male = incurable sap

  10. The Olympics really are degenerating.

    1. That needs a warning Jeff.
      It's breakfast time over here, I nearly barffed my cornflakes up.

  11. liberté, egalité, immoralité

  12. The frogs need help, they raised the Olympic Flag upside down.

  13. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 26, 2024 at 11:40 PM

    No they didn't Mick, that was the flag provided by the Australian team.

  14. I unloaded those old Sydney Olympics flags to Paco years ago with the proviso "to be used in the southern hemisphere only".
    Guess he needed the money.

  15. It's breakfast time over here, I nearly barffed my cornflakes up.

    Sorry about that, Mick!

    liberté, egalité, immoralité

    That's the French for you, Paco. One post on X noted this comment by Evelyn Waugh:

    “They [the French] are an ingenious and discriminating people who have deliberately chosen the evil way. It comes out in anything they have done for centuries.”

    First time I've seen this perspective, and I can't say it's wrong. Certainly it's true more often than not.

  16. Not that I've bothered to watch the Olympics for decades but they've turned the games into an atrocity.

  17. And word has it that the IOC is trying invoke digital copyrights to get all those video clips (with the unfavorable commentary, of course) taken down from social media.

  18. For Mick: these links are barf proof….

    Yep, the IOC is shutting down anyone posting videos of the opening ceremony…..

    How embarrassing was that opening ceremony? The IOC deleted their own video.
