Sunday, July 28, 2024

The unhippest square in America


I'm not sure if the Mormons have a word equivalent to schlemiel, but this guy is a fool in any language or dialect.


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 28, 2024 at 2:06 PM

    At this point I couldn't say who I hate more, the French or the gays.

    I suppose we can take the easy way out and say "both." And beyond that there are always the ever peaceful, tolerant and inclusive Muslims.

  2. some have said that it's a recreation of a painting called "Feast of the Gods" and that may be; there ate people on both sides of the table unlike in "The Last Supper" and I'm sure about the blue man and his part in all that.

    now do the religion of peace, so we can really see how much free speech you have.

  3. Whatever the alleged inspiration, I'm reasonably sure that the planners knew how the thing would be perceived, and that they were fine with that.

  4. As Glenn Reynolds wrote, the main problem with the exhibition was that it stunk on ice.

  5. What was the point?
    It didn't celebrate athletics or French culture.
    Its purpose was to insult.
    Personally, I woulda celebrated French culture and done something with guillotines.
    But that's me.

  6. And now of course the faux apologie has been issued.

  7. I think the internet has already let Jolly and his Clowns know what they can do with their "apology", such as it was. And not in a pleasant way.
