Sunday, July 28, 2024

"Trump and Vance are just weird"

Says porky Illinois governor whose family has made a fetish out of transgender ideology.

Seriously, Pritzker could star as Napoleon the Pig in a film version of Orwell's Animal Farm, no mask or makeup required.


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 28, 2024 at 9:07 PM

    It's never productive to disparage a person's physical appearance, so I shall not make the cheap shot that Priztker is a greasy fat f*ck who looks like a pedo.

    Because I choose to take the high road. I will not stoop to the level of those diseased pedo f*gg*t f*cksticks.

  2. Breitbart reports that He/She Levine also tagged Vance as weird.But let's be fair - from Levine's perspective, 99% of the entire human population is weird.

  3. Off topic Paco, but I thought you might be interested.
    Auberon Waugh's son, Alexander, died last week aged 60. The link has an obituary published in Quadrant. I did not know that the possessive noun for Waugh is Wavian, so that is my learn something everyday thing ticked off.

  4. Gregory, Levine called him weird?
    That's why I'll never be a reporter. I would have busted out laughing. Stopped. Looked up at 'her'. Started again.
    I'd have to leave the room.

  5. Some might see Porky Pritzker as a pig. He looks more like The Penguin to me.

  6. Sad news; I appreciate you passing it along. And I didn't know "Wavian" was the adjectival form of Waugh.

  7. There was a great line in the obituary about the mischievious streak that ran through Arthur, Evelyn, Auberon and Alexander.
    "they had a patrilineal inability to pass an applecart without giving it a shove".
    Also there was a photo of Evelyn, cigar in hand, that looked very much like the CEO of Paco Industries pty ltd, if I'm not mistaken.

  8. Yes, people are always saying we look alike.

  9. Oh, you mean the photo that accompanied stories about J. Packington Paco III. Yes, a remarkable resemblance to the late Sydney Greenstreet.

  10. Yes that would be him. I wouldn't be so rude. Sorry if I offended.
    That photo of Evelyn Waugh looks very similar to J P Paco III.
