Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Well, quite the martinet!

So much easier to simply demand respect than to earn it: "Another side to Kamala Harris".

Actually, I believe that's the only side to Harris.

Oh, and btw, Willie Brown didn't just boost Kamala's early career in exchange for some canoodling: "The Media Won’t Tell You Political Corruption Defined Kamala Harris’ Affair With Willie Brown".

Once in office, Harris then dropped or pled out corruption charges against friends of Willie Brown that Hallinan had been pursuing. There were a number of Brown’s friends let off the hook, but most notably this included a sweetheart plea deal for a notorious city contractor caught defrauding the city by using inferior recycled concrete in sensitive projects such as parking garages and the Bay Bridge. This compromised the structural integrity of those projects and endangered lives. But Harris dropped all the fraud charges and accepted a guilty plea on a single count involving an environmental violation.

Ah, yes, a new version of the old fairytale: the Princess and the Pee Pee. 


  1. I believe it was Jeff Goldstein whom referred to Kamala Harris as "Willie Brown's Bratwurst Bun".

    Harsh but true.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 31, 2024 at 9:43 PM

    Kamala is Dunning-Kruger personified. She is of very limited intellect and no accomplishment. We've been hearing stories for years now about how bad a boss she is - abusive even.

    Which is precisely the behavior you'd expect from a person in a leadership position over her head.

  3. Saw a link at the puppy blender's where an intern was told not to look her in the eye, only senior staffers can do that.
    She thinks she's royalty.
    What a putz.

    1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 31, 2024 at 11:01 PM

      I read very similar stories about staffers for the late Sheila Jackson Lee. Apparently she was also a horrible boss with a massive sense of entitlement.

  4. Angry black dad gives Kamala a serve.

  5. Harris is a textbook case of 'Dimocrat Privilege.'
