Thursday, August 1, 2024

More about the noodling girl

Hannah Barron, who was featured in this week's working-with-your-hands post, is from Alabama, and was attacked one time on Twitter by some furriner who thought her accent should be "illegal" and that she was representative of how unfeminine American women are. Hannah replied with grace and humor.

H/T: Rod Dreher


  1. Yeah, I remember that kerfuffle. When I saw Hannah's video clip, I thought, "What is that crazy lady talking about? What's wrong with Hannah?"

  2. As always it is a great shame that we do not meet the standards of Europeans.

    At least, it is if you subscribe to the NYT, WaPo or New Yorker.

  3. American women are literally men.

    I think she just feels bad that European men are literally women.

  4. My dad and uncles used to gather up us girls with the boy cousins and take us fishing all the time. My dad taught me to shoot. I have put together a book shelf by myself, and done repairs on my sewing machine (because Mr. H wouldn't touch it), chopped wood, mowed the lawn, moved furniture, and done a myriad other things that girly-girls would not do. I also managed a 54-year marriage and raised two children while working jobs outside the home and getting myself a couple of college degrees. As for the accent ... ingest bovine excrement, Samirah Khan, and hide under your burqa until you expire.

  5. Personally, I could get used to that young lady's accent in about half a second.
