Monday, July 29, 2024

What are you going to do now, NATO?

"Turkey’s Erdogan, Hamas Superfan, Threatens to Invade Israel".

“We must be very strong so that Israel cannot strike Palestine,” Erdogan told the audience at a rally for his Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP), according to Israel’s i24. “Just like we entered Karabakh and the way we entered Libya, maybe we’ll do the same thing. There’s nothing we can’t do. We have to be strong.”

This dangerous clown has been working for years to make of himself a modern sultan, and his ambitious designs on becoming a regional power broker, in conjunction with his support of Islamic terrorists and his attempts to revive an official Islamic state in the formally secular state of Turkey, are going to give NATO an awful lot to think about in the near future. 


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 29, 2024 at 11:04 AM

    Prior to Erdogan, Turkey was a sub rosa ally of Israel. As a Muslim majority nation with a secular government, they knew that Israel's enemies were also their own.

    Once Erdogan arrived that went out the window. Turkey has gone Islamist. And thus, is anti-Israel.

  2. Sure. Erdogan can invade Israel ... if he can afford to turn his back on Turkey's rather substantial Kurdish and Arab minorities who might see a gold opportunity for an uprising.

  3. We have to be strong.

    Being strong doesn't include being stupid.

  4. The Kurds are on the margins of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria, a minority group in each and a rebellious problem, and could cause him problems.

    Turkey is a NATO member. If they were to attack Israel, a none NATO member and one Israeli is killed and Israel were to rightly respond, are ALL NATO members now at war with Israel?

    1. No tom, just the Biden admin.
      And France.
