Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wow! Now if he can just turn my garden weeds into hamburgers

"Billy Butter: Gates Backs Synthetic Margarine Made Out of Thin Air".

There are few things more genuinely dangerous than bored fools with too much money, too much time on their hands, and a vanity-driven urge to leave a "legacy".


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJuly 27, 2024 at 11:08 AM

    I assume this process involves phlogiston.

  2. Haw! Had to look that one up.

  3. Nope. Real butter, preferably salted. I don't have to care about junk diet science anymore.

  4. There'll probably be a lot of phlogiston released from the pallets of cash Gates will be burning in pursuit of another useless idea to stop globull warmening.

    I wonder if phlogiston increases CO₂ levels?

  5. I know how to turn grass into butter.
    It's a secret procedure that involves (looks left and right) cows.

    The same procedure makes plant-based meat and plant-based leather too.
