Sunday, August 4, 2024

Dear Brits

I know the Tories were, for the most part, a bunch of me-too wimps, paying obeisance to the gods of woke, but is this what you really prefer?

The same thing is liable to happen in the U.S., if not in this election cycle then in the next. The combination of a party that belligerently seeks to aggrandize the power of the state, with an opposing party that is weak and largely uninterested in defending the principles of individual liberty and decentralization leads to popular despair and limited, ineffectual choices.

Update  Some people have clearly had enough: "England Anti-Migration Rioters Storm ‘Migrant Hotel’ in Grooming Gang Hotspot Rotherham".

Interesting. The foreigners who are responsible for the uptick in violence and in grooming and a host of other problems are simply "immigrants". The native-born who have been pushed to their limits of patience and are finally lashing out are, apparently, all "far right".


  1. The sad truth is that the "Conservative" Party in the UK betrayed their electorate and therefore had forfeited any claim to authority. I blame them for the fact that Labour is now in charge there.

  2. Is this gonna be one of those cases of "the cure is worse than the disease"?

    1. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 4, 2024 at 1:54 PM

      The difference between Labour and the Conservatives is that the former wants to destroy the UK rapidly, while the latter prefers a more incrementalist destruction.

      Both have betrayed their nation, but what the hell, the voters have chosen that path.

  3. England (or "Great Britain", if you prefer) is effectively a police state. Well, it has been for a while, but now it's out in the open. I expect the enforcement of Sharia law in the near future.

    I hope I'm wrong. Because you're right, Paco, because it is certainly possible here in the USA.

  4. Steven's description of UK Labor and Conservative parties is similar to the Uniparty here, and Jeffs police state has been with us during the current administration, but they don't have Trump, and I hope he wins and makes a difference.
    lePenn in France and Italy's Meloni were both Villa mixed as Trumpian, but fall short.

  5. Suddenly folks have noticed that with 'migrants', Starmer is way left of even Tony Blair

    He's totally the wrong person to lead in this situation.
    - Bruce

  6. I mentioned that current riots are in UK's 'rust belt' - from Newcastle across to Liverpool, down to Birmingham. All heavily Labour electorates for generations. They put up with 'death by 1000 cuts' but now have had enough. These areas also supply men for the military. So if Starmer tries to put soldiers on the street, he may get a surprise.
    - Bruce

  7. Of course, there was no crackdown on violence when the targets were Jews.

  8. Of course, there was no crackdown on violence when the targets were Jews.

    Exactly so. It is mankind's disgrace that the Jews always seem to be acceptable as scapegoats and victims.

  9. Starmer's wife is Jewish. However one of the triggers of current riots has been the constant harrassment by anti-Israel mob, often Muslims in these areas. One thing Starmer is known for is acting as saviour of coloured people, previously as a lawyer in 2003, see above Dailymail link. So now his appeasing public announcement during BLM riots is contrasted with his current 'zero tolerance' one. 'Two Tier Starmer' they call him. 'Two Tier Policing' they call it.

  10. All this just shows how spectacularly out of touch the leaders are. The rioters are Labour's own voters, who've been told for 14 years of Tory rule, 'Don't worry, when our guys get in it will all change'. So 'Our guys' got in, and? They blame problems on the English Defence League which dissolved ten years ago. They think they can brush off genuine voter upset as a conspiracy. The Midlands and North are only 3 hours by car from London but may as well be different countries. Three hours! And London elites are totally clueless.

  11. Here is video of Islamist thugs carrying 'Palestinian' flags and attacking ordinary British:
