Saturday, August 3, 2024

Sunday funnies


Worst Buy.

Next time, take the train.

So, what're you doin'?

Trust your dog.

If English was spoken like French.

It's a fairly easy course, but you have to watch out for the swan hazard on the 8th hole.

From Power Line's The Week in Pictures.


  1. Uh yeah... that Babylon Bee one about Google and Harris would be a lot funnier if it weren't about 98% true.

  2. Some good ones there. I'm following the unrest in the UK, this former RAF guy's twitter is helpful:

    Note that it's mostly in cities which birthed the Industrial Revolution - Britain's former industrial powerhouses of the Midlands and North. Large useless Muslim populations in those areas aren't helping, but there are parallels to the US Rust Belt. So now they elected a Labour govt supposedly sympathetic to them, and he calls them 'far right' and plans to jail them. I'd be angry too.
    Bruce (Wordpress won't let me comment under my name any more).

  3. I admit, I identified with the Southernisms. I also giggled at "The Shingler".

  4. And I thought German had a convoluted grammar ....

  5. White Dudes for Harris

    Teletubbies, right? What's even more disturbing to me than seeing that picture, is knowing what it is!
