Monday, August 12, 2024


Is nothing sacred? "Harley-Davidson Gets Bud Lit".


  1. They've been going lefty for a while, now it's just too overbearing to ignore.
    Don't anger your old friends looking for new ones.
    From Stuff Sun Tzu Said, 3rd edition.

  2. Was nobody at HD familiar with that old line about learning from the mistakes of others, because you won't live long enough to make them all yourself?
    Apparently not.

  3. Socialists destroy everything they touch.

  4. Sure, R-man, you don't care; you're probably riding around on the Indian Elite model :)

  5. Nothing is safe. Anything not actively defended is prey tot he totalitarian left.

    But why do they want them, you ask? Well, it's not so much that they want them, they just don't want you to have them. No unauthorized fun is permitted! Having unapproved fun is literally genocide!

  6. No Indian for me. Too close to a H-D. I was a Honda guy. The only motorcycle I owned was a powerful, smooth as silk, quiet Honda V-4.
    So, if H-D is having wokeness problems...see my previous post.

    1. I once read of a kit to convert your Honda to a Harley. It's just a screwdriver... but the way it works is, after you put 100,000 miles on your bike you poke a hole in the oil pan cover.
