Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Here's another Republican congressman who needs to be taken out (in a political sense, of course)

 Ace has the details on "Ukraine Mike" McCaul.

Frankly, Trump's decision to endorse this NeverTrumper does not make me optimistic that his ability to judge character has improved significantly since his initial term. Do better, Don!

Not entirely unrelated:  Ace also reveals that the loathsome David French has made the "conservative" case for voting for Harris (which surprises nobody, except possibly in the vast extent of French's sophistry).


  1. The Bee, in a never ending quest to stay at least fifteen minutes ahead of the real news, covers David French's latest attempt to save conservativism:

  2. I look forward to French's article on The Christian Case For Repudiating The Gospels.
    He spoke to Jesus and explained how sure, G-d is good and all, but have you ever listened to Satan?

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