Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Won't be long now before they replace the bell of Big Ben with the daily cries of the muezzin

"61-Year-Old Retiree Sentenced to 18 Months for Screaming 'Who the F*** is Allah?' at Police at Recent Protest".

You know, if Muslim immigrants would stop assaulting the crown's native subjects and show respect for their adopted country - and halt the sex trafficking - maybe protestors wouldn't be shouting at either the police or the immigrants.

Btw, Chief Rowley, I hear your cops are getting busy with all the latest facial recognition software. Let me save you the trouble of figuring out what I look like...

There you go; an exact likeness, correct in every detail, as my friends and commenters will testify.


  1. That pic captures your essence!

    As to the post, there will always be an Akbar Britain!
    Or should it be Britainu Akbar?

  2. To be fair, if he had shouted "Who the f*** is God?", he would have gotten the same sentence, right? Right?

    And yes, I admire your courage Paco, for boldly posting your genuine photo for all to see!

  3. Mrs Pack is fortunate indeed.

  4. This somehow reminds me of The Life of Brian sketch.
    "I'd had a lovely supper and all I said was that halibut was good enough for Jehova".
    Life imitates art again.

  5. so his crime was he was seen making threatening and hostile gestures towards police, calling officers “c****” and joining in chants of “you’re not English anymore” and “who the f*** is Allah”
    no sticks or stones or staby, but mostly peaceful, just sounds like free speech and peaceful protest to me.

  6. How dare a 61 year old man, David Spring, who was only armed with his voice express himself to the police. He is sentenced to 18 months, which will put undue burden on his ailing wife that he has been caring. Meanwhile, the Muzzies have been doing far more than being vocal.

    That's a wonderful photo, Paco, though It does need a fedora. But I prefer the life-size painting in the gilded frame that is rightly displayed prominently in the foyer of the Command Center.
