Wednesday, August 7, 2024

If Satan is the father of lies...

...then I guess Nancy Pelosi must be the evil stepmother: "Pelosi: Walz Is ‘Right Down the Middle’".

Pelosi said, “Tim Walz is wonderful. And she had many good choices among the six and certainly among the two. I’m a big fan of Gov. Shapiro. Tim Walz I know very well. He served in the House. To characterize him as left is so unreal. … He’s right down the middle. He’s a heartland-of-America Democrat.

The Left has been defined out of existence by the gravediggers of America, among whom Pelosi is inarguably a leading figure.  Tim Walz is practically a living, breathing cartoon of left-wing ideology and left-wing governance. 

But, in a sense, it doesn't matter who the donk presidential and vice presidential candidates are, as long as they can be dragged across the finish line. As Don Surber points out:

In Democrat politics, identity matters, ideas don’t. That’s because the party puts figureheads on the presidential ballot with the intention of having empire-building appointees and the Civil Service-protected class run the country.


  1. As I've said before, rank & file Dimocrats vote for the Party, not the names on the ballot. They should rename themselves "The Borg Party".

    That's where they seem to be headed.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 7, 2024 at 1:41 PM

    Pelosi doesn't know any normal people, let alone anybody from "the heartland." So I think in this case she isn't actually lying, she just takes at face value the carefully crafted image Walz's campaign produces.

    But J.D. Vance is weird.
