Wednesday, August 7, 2024

I'm beginning to wonder if Kamala chose Tim Walz because he's even worse than she is

"Tim Walz Signed Legislation Redefining the Term 'Sexual Orientation' to Include Pedophiles".

Friend and commenter tom, in the comments section of a previous post: "I didn't think it was possible that Kamala would be able to get impeachment insurance, I was wrong."


  1. Yes I thought Walz was a good pick for Harris because he presents no threat whatsoever.

    Also, he's so repulsive looking. What do you call it - shovelmouth? Sausage-sucker cheeks? T Rex jaw? Something along those lines.

  2. Those are all worthy epithets, Bruce!

  3. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 7, 2024 at 8:55 PM

    Ummm, excuse me? Aren't we supposed to call them "Minor attracted persons," or MAPs?

    The Dems really do care about children. Infanticide, pedophilia, and surgical and chemical mutilation of kids.

    And Vance is weird.

  4. I remember being laughed at one time when I suggested the LGTBQwhatever would be touting bestiality next.

    1. Stephen A SkubinnaAugust 8, 2024 at 2:34 PM

      I gotta take the fall on that one too. After they won gay marriage fight I wondered what would be the next sexual "civil rights" frontier and concluded that they'd try normalizing bestiality before they went to pedophilia.

      And hey, whaddaya know, I was wrong about that.
