Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Josh Shapiro: Yeah, I'm Jewish, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it.


Elsewhere, every day, and in every way, the new British prime minister continues to accelerate Albion's deterioration, at home and abroad.


  1. Am I the only one who thinks history is repeating its early 20th century self?

    1. Oh, there's all kinds of history.

      The history I keep thinking about is more like late Roman Empire than anything else.

    2. I was thinking more along the lines of the Great Depression and the subsequent WWII. However, back then, everybody didn’t have nuclear bombs.

  2. Elections have consequences.

  3. I see Oliver Cromwell redux, especially in British history. Starmer is like another Cromwell. Pictures of him 'taking a knee' for the BLM movement should have alerted people.

    Starmer is raising his kids Jewish doncha know, under their Polish-Jewish mother. Another oppressed group he's hitched up with as their presumptive saviour. But as a fanatic, he 'knows whats best for them', like the brown folks he patronises. Cromwell brought civil war to ordinary folks just trying to get by. Now we have another fanatic with similar behaviour.

  4. More evidence of Starmer's fanaticism: he's a vegetarian.

    Victoria Starmer, his Jewish wife, appears to be a lovely lady who had no great ambitions apart from marrying well, before she had the misfortune to choose Keir as a husband. I wish her the best of luck.
