Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Never deceive yourselves that a complete idiot can't be a successful dictator

"Report: Venezuela Forcing Dissidents to Film Humiliating Apology Videos Cut with Horror Movie Clips".

And don't think for a moment that Kamala Harris's cackling stupidity will disqualify her in the coming election. For decades, Americans have been getting processed through the public-school and university-system indoctrination machine, and subjected to information outlets that are part of the Leftist blob. Our foes include (1) people who ardently believe in the great Marxist delusion, and see Harris for what she is and are completely ok with that, and (2) people who are easily convinced that Harris is simply a generic, middle-of-the-road Democrat and who will support her because they've become hardwired to let unions, the media, NPR, their similarly ignorant peers, the self-appointed spokesmen of their respective "victim" groups, etc., etc.,  do their thinking for them.

As Ronald Reagan famously said, "Freedom is a fragile thing, and it's never more than a generation away from extinction." Complacency and despair form the two-headed monster without whose support the Left could never emerge victorious.


  1. Kamala! is not stupid! She's a woman of color! And therefore not cheering for her is waaaaacist!


  2. The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE), an arm of the regime, declared Maduro the “winner” but refuses to publish documentation to corroborate the claimed results.

    Kind of the CNE version of "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"

  3. There will be dictators as long as the people let them get away with it. Most of those people are the ones who gave up any form of self-defense because they wanted "safety" and freebies. It can happen here.

    1. What always escapes the faculty lounge Marxists in the comfortable West is that the maximum leader of these movements is always the most ruthless, not the smartest.

      And thus they are always astonished when the glorious revolution comes and they are passed over. At best they get shuffled into some academic sinecure, at worst it's a bullet in the back of the skull.

  4. Take some encouragement from remembering that your fellow Americans saw through Kamala on 2019. First out of the primaries with that low low vote.
    You did it once. You can do it again.
