Tuesday, August 13, 2024

You can't keep a good man down

Or off of social media, ultimately. In spite of a DDOS attack, an absurdly presumptuous and arrogant letter from some Euroweenie trying to enforce the EU's fascistic speech codes, and suggestions from a "helpful" Washington Post reporter that the White House should try to shut down the interview, Donald Trump and Elon Musk, nonetheless, had a wide-ranging conversation on X last night.

We need a hell of a lot more of this. And it's time for relentless hip-and-thigh-smiting of the two commie buffoons who make up the donk ticket.


  1. No doubt the left has aggravated pussy cramps from last night. The always thoughtful and sober Queef Olbergruppenfuhrer... I mean Keith Olbermann, sorry, demands that both Trump and Musk be arrested for... ummm, what, exactly?

    Doesn't matter. ARREST THEM NOW!!!! And Keith is by no means an outlier here. The palace guard media is outraged that these two guys were allowed to talk to each other. Because as we all know, the First Amendment does not cover speech the DNC/Media doesn't like.

  2. As the saying goes, scratch a Democrat, find a fascist. They are now almost completely unable to hide their totalitarian aspirations.

  3. It's scary how unhinged the left has become. I thought it was bad back in the 60s and 70s, but the Marxists of those days are absolute pikers compared to this bunch.
