Friday, August 2, 2024

The inside story

Paco World News Daily (PWND) managed to sneak a stringer with a camera into the funeral service for the late Hamas operative, Ismail Haniyeh. Here are the tearful lamentations of his wife.


  1. Parody aside, she looks really broken up, doesn't she? As if she's thinking, "Thank Allah I don't have to put up with your stanky butt anymore."

    1. "I might still get smacked around, but at least it won't be by you anymore!"

  2. Yeah, her whole aspect is more like somebody who got shortchanged by a checkout clerk at Food Lion.

  3. My translation is a little different: "Thank Allah for your little winky, or I might have been there with you when they found you still smoking in bed!"

  4. all the top guys in these organizations have/had multibillion$ squirreled away; Swiss bankers love these accounts; no password, no access, sorry, bank policy; with the way they treat their women I am curious about the wives knowledge of the financial situation.

  5. Some wives get the bank password, and some don't. Polygamy's like that!
