Friday, August 2, 2024

Way to stay on top of things, guys!

"White House: We Didn’t Know About 9/11 Plea Deal Until Yesterday, Can’t Comment on It".

I'm not sure which is worse: (1) they're lying about it, or (2) they're telling the truth.


  1. I'm sure Dirty Old Joe didn't know about it, since he doesn't have anything to do with decisions anymore, but the Obamabots running the White House most surely did. This was their doing, as a sop to certain voters in Minnemogadishu and Michiganistan.

  2. Since this nightmare began I have thought there was more than one player driving things. Biden's not managed by a single coherent group, but by a shifting array of competing and cooperating cliques. It looks incoherent because it is - a bunch of rogue operators are now freed from the need to pretend to be executing Biden's policy, not that there ever was one.

    But now even the pretense of following a plan is gone.

  3. You're in good hands with Alldeepstate!

  4. that's the thing with so much government, no one can know about everything that is going on because there are so many organizations, people, agendas; if you're at the top you state your goals and trust that your team will make it happen; when you have people down the line resisting or obstructing like during the Trump years it's difficult to get things done; when the people down the line have similar goals things can work; back when Obama was in office the goal was to close Gizmo and get rid of the terrorist legal issues, so in this third Obama administration, his people are sticking with the mission.

    1. Remember when Glenn Beck used a white board to explain things. One time, he tried to get to the bottom of who was running things. The address housed multiple corporations/entities. The size of the building showed that it was not possible to house them. It was like peeling an onion.
