Friday, September 6, 2024

Fascism is now descending, and landing, everywhere

"Freedom is disappearing across the free world."

Governments that moan about “authoritarianism” abroad eagerly adopted every element of the authoritarian playbook from endless investigations of political opponents like Trump and Bolsonaro to declaring states of emergency over political protests and censoring speech. They often justify their authoritarian measures as necessary to stop their “authoritarian” opponents.

The biggest difference between the authoritarianism that threatens us today, and the authoritarianism that has existed in the past, is that the latest brand doesn't draw its strength from a cult of personality (in the U.S., how could it? Neither Biden nor Harris have one). It is now the hydra-headed cabals in the U.S., UK and Brazil that mean to clamp down on our freedoms.


  1. We had to destroy democracy in order to save it.

  2. On David Frye's classic album, "Richard Nixon, Superstar", Frye's Nixon asks Gabe Kaplan's Jerry Rubin what the radicals plan to do once they've brought down society. Rubin answers, "I dunno. Maybe groove on the rubble".
