Friday, September 6, 2024

I guess nothing was done because the agents were busy running around chasing all those J6 "insurrectionists"

"FBI Alerted to Suspected Apalachee High School Shooter over a Year Ago".


  1. Well, hang on here... did he pray near an abortion clinic? Did he step on a pride crosswalk? Did he retweet disinformation?

    Oh, threatened to shoot up a school? Seriously? Why are you wasting our time?

  2. They could at least draft some Homeland Security clerks to monitor these situations - I mean, when they're not "guarding" Trump.

  3. Reading the whole story I'm feeling some sympathy for the father, although he may have failed specifics of gun discipline. But it seems he basically wanted to help his son by bonding thru hunting. Meanwhile the mother was a crazed drugged-out psycho who should be arrested for abusing her kids, starving them, torturing thru neglect. So sad it went so far to the deaths of these innocents.
    - Bruce

  4. That may surprise, but I must be seeing pattern similarities with my own childhood in the 1950s. Yep, I've seen that kind of 'dysfunctional relationship' before, although I've put it behind me.

    I started out assuming the father was at fault, like everyone, but as I read a different pattern emerged.
    - Bruce

  5. I agree with Bruce. I didn't have a childhood like that, but I saw plenty of it in the various places we lived (courtesy of the army life). I think the father was trying to do the best he could, without surreptitiously burying the mother in the back yard (which should have been an option, IMHO.
