Monday, September 16, 2024

I guess I'll have to wait until next time

Brunswick county - home of the Paco Command Center - received an enormous soaking over the last 24 hours, due to a cyclone off the coast. I saw it described somewhere as a once-in-a-thousand-year event, and it was definitely the longest sustained downpour of this volume I've ever experienced. Much flooding in the general area, with a couple of collapsed roads, and a sizeable berm alongside a major intersection washing into the road. I imagine alligators will be running amuck. 

And, for some reason, I forgot to get any of it on video; and I wouldn't have had to go very far: the west side of our property, and the street in front of our house, formed one giant pond.

Anyhow, the rain has now ended, and we are none the worse for the deluge (no water got into the house through the roof or the doors and windows). It looks like most of our neighbors were similarly blessed. Thanks be to God.


  1. Brunswick NC looks pretty densely built up along that stretch of coast. 100 years ago, what would have been there? Plenty of open land to absorb excess rain, and a few buildings spread apart. It's the same everywhere. We humans are covering former open land with various structures, then an uncommon amount of rain hits. Anyway, glad you're ok.
    - Bruce

  2. Glad to hear there was no damage to Paco Command. I wish we would get some of that rain up here, but maybe not as much as you got.

  3. Probably because you & your neighbors all drive huge, gas-guzzling SUVs that created a big bubble of CO₂ over Brunswick County, which lead to the cyclone dumping that Global Warming on you all at once. You need to get a Prius before you drown!

    Or, what Bruce said.

  4. I visit India regularly. 40 years ago they were riding bullock carts on dirt roads, now there are 8 lane highways everywhere. There are floods - because the water has nowhere to go now, and the lazy politicians blame 'climate change'. Maybe that's why it's forefront in my mind.
    - Bruce

  5. This area is referred to as "the lowlands" for a reason, but that will never stop builders. My neighborhood, fortunately, is in the highest elevation in the development.

    1. Good news there! Developers lack any sort of conscious.

  6. No signs of gill growth on yourself or Mrs Paco?
    Good news!

    1. No, we're way past our evolvin' days. What I'm worried about is alligators. They had a great opportunity for migrating today.

    2. No, you're thinking of Innsmouth. Paco is way farther south.

  7. Probably not enough rain to top off Boiling Springs Lakes, but every little bit helps.

    1. You're right about that. That was such a pretty area before one of the hurricanes ruined the lakes. We looked at houses out there when we were initially considering Brunswick County as a place to retire.
