Monday, September 30, 2024




  1. If the voters in Asheville are sane, this will be a wake-up call and they'll try a different approach at the next election.

    But, I doubt they're sane, or they wouldn't have voted them in.

  2. It;s a given that progressives in government seldom govern, or if they do, it's as little as possible (which given their incompetence is probably for the best). But they are very very active at symbolic gestures. Proclamations, mission and vision statements, lofty goals, all couched in impenetrable nonsensical language.

    Lots of verbiage about "equity." They also are fond of sustainability. Social justice is a dead giveaway. But filling the potholes? Enforcing the law? Managing a budget? Maintaining even minimal standards of public order and safety? Nope, not gonna happen.

  3. Some poor rescue service worker is going to feel the council's wrath when he misgenders a resident's cat.

    1. Oh, definitely. The guy will probably be given truck washing duty for a month (assuming it's just his first offense).
