Saturday, October 19, 2024

I have nothing to add


Well, I do have one thing to add, a little story I heard today. There's a guy in our neighborhood, retired, who makes extra money mowing many of the neighbors' lawns. One of his clients came to his house recently to pay the monthly invoice, and when he opened the door, the client heard Fox News on his television - and began screaming at him. What makes this so perfect is that she (the client) is literally a cat lady: a single woman (divorced) who lives with her cats, frequently shows up at neighborhood gatherings half sloshed,  and has a Harris sign in her front yard. This is what Democrat tolerance looks like (boy, J.D. Vance, did you nail it!)

Now, we've had many conversations with her over the years, mostly about gardening (never politics) and she is capable of being very pleasant, and we've never exchanged cross words. But political fanaticism just...does things to people, mostly unpleasant things, and as the pandemic of what I like to call schizotrumpia spreads, many people, who were probably only marginally stable, at best, to begin with, are now practically frothing at the mouth. More to be pitied than censured, I suppose.


  1. The thing is, they may be family, neighbors, even friends. And then the switch flips and you have this horrible realization that you don't know them at all.

    A person you thought was a reasonable human being, a normal individual with his own likes and dislikes, suddenly becomes a shrieking demon possessed by - what, exactly? It's when you realize that they'd sign your death warrant without a qualm, who in extreme cases would herd you into the cattle cars or even lock the gas chamber doors behind you and pull the switch.

    And you can't look at them the same way ever again. The mask came off and you've seen what lies behind it.

  2. More to be pitied than censured, I suppose.

    Actually, speaking for myself, I don't think I could ever have ANY pity for them. If I don't respect them, I won't pity them. And I could never respect someone who hates me the way they do.
