Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I'm sure this year will be even worse, in the event of a Trump victory

"Just a Reminder How Far DJT Sent the Left Over the Edge in 2016".

Ah, all those precocious little 8-year-olds, brilliantly coming to their own conclusions without any assistance from their wine-moms.

Update  Ace has more on the prospects for a national nervous breakdown.


  1. Just this morning my eight year old put down his copy of the Financial Times and asked "Daddy, why would anybody vote for a complete retard like Kamala?"

    I didn't know what to say and just sobbed into my kale and kombucha smoothie.

    1. Poor fellow! Maybe the little one will grow out of it, eventually.

  2. It's going to be some interesting times;
    some democrats saying that they are not going to let the electoral college votes be certified if he's the winner, sounds insurrection adjacent to me, but they'll claim that he's the insurrectionist; if he's certified I don't know if ANTIFA will wait until the inauguration to start their firey but mostly peaceful protests; the deep state government workers will again form a resistance movement, but he may be able to get stuff done, like getting the tax cuts made permanent and get his new tax plan in; probably make some progress on world peace again; it's funny, I cast my first vote for Reagan and watched the Congress and the deep state fight him, and it continues.
