Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Running it into the ground, you mean

"Who Exactly Runs the Country?".

“Brett McGurk. Dan Shapiro in Israel. Lisa Monaco in Justice. Susan Rice running domestic policy. It’s turtles all the way down. There are obviously large parts of White House policymaking that belong to Barack Obama because they’re staffed by his people, who worked for him and no doubt report back to him. Personnel is policy, as they say in Washington. Which to me is a very odd and kind of spooky arrangement. Spooky, because it is happening outside the constitutional framework of the U.S. government, and yet somehow it’s been placed off the list of permitted subjects to report on.”

"Outside the constitutional framework"? Oh, that old thing.

It will be the same under the cackling idiot Harris, if she wins (btw, I've developed the habit of crossing myself whenever I walk by a house with a Harris sign in the front yard; fortunately, there are not many in my neck of the woods). 

I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be departing this mortal coil in the middle of a civil war. Well, as the Spanish philosopher Unamuno once said, "May God deny you peace, but grant you glory!"


  1. I realize many like to point at Obama as the semi-hidden mastermind running things, but i seriously believe the real question is, who is behind Obama?

    We all know how lazy Obama is. He spent four years role play acting as POTUS, more interested in the perks than the actual job. He is the literal definition of a poser. So again, who is behind the fundamentally lazy Obama? Who is really doing the intellectual heavy lifting?

  2. I figure it's Valerie Jarrett.
    Obama was as much a figure-head as Biden.
    Not sure who runs her.

  3. Whether or not anyone is pulling Obama's strings, the people he has put in place are meddlesome and officiousness enough to manipulate idiots like Biden and Harris.

  4. I guess I should cross myself whenever I see a KKlueless/Walrus sign, which around here are mercifully few. It might help squelch my usual burning desire to steal the sign and burn it in the middle of the street.
