Tuesday, February 25, 2025

And now, a word from our sponsor

Does anybody actually buy pens anymore?  I think we've acquired a lifetime supply, free, from realtors' offices, banks, merchants' fairs, too many places to name.


  1. Just so happens I have the last pen I bought (years ago) in a drawer next to my computer desk. It's a Zebra G-301 gel. I don't really remember why I bought it, but IIRC it had something to do with the 'gel' part. And, yeah, I've got tons of pens from my insurance agent, and bank, so this one I bought doesn't get used, and now won't even write anymore.

    1. I used to like writing with actual fountain pens, but I usually managed to make a mess.

  2. I, too, have a fair supply of gift pens from various vendors.

    However, somehow, some way, I managed to acquire a large supply of pens from my former federal employer.

    I guess I just brought them home without thinking about it.

    1. I guess I just brought them home without thinking about it.

      Did I mention that I have a lifetime supply of paperclips and post-it-notes, too? I suppose the long arm of Elon will catch me eventually.

  3. I don't know if the rest of the federal government was as overrun with Skilcraft pens as was the military, but... I would empty my pockets after work and drop the cheap retractable pen on my dresser. And generally would forget to pick it up again the next morning, not that there'd be any shortage of them when I showed up again.

    But about once or twice a year I'd look at the pile of them on my dresser and take them all in to work, just to get rid of them. And then restart the process of slowly accumulating them at home.
