Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Excuse me, the Office of What?

Pundit and Pundette draw attention to something called the "Office of Social Innovation".

Here's an innovation for ya, Barrie: how about if you stop trying to use government as a social engineering hammer? Or do you really want voters to pull the lever on the trap door and propel your keester out of the White House and onto Pennsylvania Avenue with a one-way bus ticket to Chicago stuck in your pocket?


  1. That sounds a bit like Our Dear Leader's Social Inclusion Board.
    Scary stuff.

  2. Here comes nineteen-eightyfour....we could call it Minioz or Minisinn!

  3. "Or do you really want voters to pull the lever on the trap door and propel your keester out of the White House and onto Pennsylvania Avenue with a one-way bus ticket to Chicago stuck in your pocket?"Where do you see indications of anybody putting up candidates that would unseat The Won, or that would be any better if they did?

  4. Larry: The next presidential election is more than three years away. I think it would be a mistake to assume that the current environment of adulation will necessarily remain unchanged. In any event, there are quite a few people who could do better; the question of actual electability is, of course, an open one.

  5. If it works as well as most of the Metrosexual Mugabe's innovations, we'll be arguing about the need for longbow control pretty soon.

  6. Hm. Is the Office of Social Innovation anything like the White House Office of Public Liaison? Seems to me they have similar agendas.

  7. Longbow control: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysfwo_pwP2k

